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Blogsmith Free Changelog

3.0 - 2024-01-24

  • All components now use class instead of classes prop for any extra classes to pass to the component
  • Add Sharp override to package.json file
    • This fixes a build issue with conflicting Sharp versions on linux
  • Update to Astro 4.2.4
  • Update other dependencies

2.0 - 2023-12-22

  • Refactor all pages such that every page uses BaseLayout.astro, including the homepage
    • This makes it easier add global scripts and styles
    • Previously, the homepage was styled differently to allow for the full-width hero section. Now, the homepage uses the same layout as all other pages, but the hero section is still full-width
  • Update pagination component
  • Update dependencies

1.1 - 2023-12-10

  • Update to Astro 4.0.3
  • Update other dependencies

1.0 - 2023-10-28

  • Initial release