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Galaxy Changelog

4.0 - 2024-06-14

  • Add all i18n features originally seen in Atlas
    • Language switcher component
    • Keystatic CMS support for multiple languages
    • Translate routes
    • Utility functions to:
      • Translate text
      • Filter content collections by locale
      • Format dates in the correct locale
      • Get the current locale from the current URL
      • & more
  • Revamp navbar design. If you prefer the old design let me know!
  • Add Mega Menu component
    • This is a large dropdown menu that can be used for navigation
  • Add additional columns to Keystatic interface which you can sort by
  • Adjust accordions so all other ones close when a new one is opened
  • Refactor src/icons folder to have a more organized structure. Also all used icons are now copied locally in this folder.
  • README updates
  • Update to Astro 4.10.2
  • Update other dependencies

3.1 - 2024-04-20

  • Add “@keystatic/core” as dep in package.json to fix pnpm install issue
    • pnpm does not auto install peer dependencies
  • Add “rel” and “target” optional props to the <Button /> component to remove typescript errors
  • Add commented out code in BaseHead.astro showing how to set original color theme based on browser settings, instead of defaulting to dark mode
  • Navbar dropdown script update - navbar dropdown now closes when you click outside of it
  • Add @playform/compress and remove astro-compress due to astro-compress being deprecated
  • Update to Astro 4.6.3
  • Update other dependencies

3.0 - 2024-03-04

  • Add Keystatic CMS integration for blog posts, authors, and other pages content collections
    • This adds a great interface with rich text editor for easy content editing
    • This is largely in addition to the existing MDX blog setup, and you can still just use the MDX blog if you prefer
      • Blog folder structure is unchanged
  • Add ExternalLink.astro component and integrate into blog and other MDX pages
    • This makes it so markdown links that go outside your website automatically open in a new tab
  • Update to Astro 4.4.10
  • Update other dependencies

2.2 - 2024-02-13

  • Revamped scroll animations
    • New animations, improved performance, and reduced bundle size
    • See the animations documentation for more information
    • If you need assistance upgrading, send us a message for support
  • Update to Astro 4.3.6
  • Update other dependencies

2.1 - 2024-01-24

  • Add Sharp override to package.json file
    • This fixes a build issue with conflicting Sharp versions on linux
  • Update to Astro 4.2.4
  • Update other dependencies

2.0 - 2024-01-10

  • Add scroll based animations throughout the site. These are enabled by default
    • They can be disabled by setting useAnimations = false in src/config/siteData.json.ts
  • Add cookie banner component, for use with GA4 or other cookie based analytics
    • Cookie banner is disabled by default. To enable it, uncomment the CookieBanner component in src/layouts/BaseLayout.astro
  • All components now use class instead of classes prop for any extra classes to pass to the component
  • Remove swiper dependency and replace with CSS only marquees for improved performance and functionality
    • Replaced Testimonial and Logo cloud marquee components
  • Add additional 4 panel pricing component
  • New blog post images
  • Update to Astro 4.1.1
  • Update other dependencies

1.4 - 2023-12-30

  • Add theme toggle component to toggle between light and dark mode
    • Theme defaults to dark in src/layouts/BaseHead.astro
    • You can remove the theme toggle from the navbar if desired and just use the dark class on the html element in src/layouts/BaseLayout.astro
  • Navbar improvements
    • Clicking outside of mobile dropdown causes it to close
    • Improve mobile dropdown styling with theme toggle
    • Improve accessibility
  • Feature component improvements
    • Feature 4 no longer has a CLS issue
    • Feature 4 and 8 now have their gradient backdrop hug the image at all times (rather than the backdrop expanding to fill all available space on some non-regular screen sizes)
  • Update to Astro 4.0.7
  • Update other dependencies

1.3 - 2023-12-10

  • Update to Astro 4.0.3
  • Update other dependencies

1.2 - 2023-12-05

  • Add light mode for the theme. You can now switch between light and dark mode using the dark class on the html element in src/layouts/BaseLayout.astro.
  • Update dependencies

1.1 - 2023-11-17

  • Safari fixes with blurred elements. It is strongly recommended to download the latest version of the theme and update your project.
  • Update dependencies

1.0 - 2023-10-28

  • Initial release